Norfolk and Suffolk IA

Norfolk & Suffolk IA is a branch of IA, Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Association, providing help, support, guidance and friendship to people living in and around Norfolk & Suffolk, who have had or are about to have surgery to remove their large bowel.  As volunteers, our committee members have all experienced surgery themselves so are able to offer personal understanding and support.

We work closely with local hospitals and offer the opportunity to speak to someone who has been through a similar experience.  We attend open days with our exhibition stand which are arranged by stoma care nurseries and sometimes companies connected with stoma care, and any other local events where we may be able to provide lifestyle support.  Local members’ meetings have unfortunately been suspended since ‘lockdown’ but it is hoped that they may be revived before long.

If you’re local and have had surgery or are considering it, why not get in touch via our Contact Us page or pop along to one of our events and others who have been through something similar.